C/C++ Interactive Reference Guide
C-C++ Interactive Reference Guide.iso
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
491 lines
{| Unit: subcalls
| Version: 1.00
| translated from file subcalls.H
| Original translation: Peter Sawatzki (ps)
| Contributing:
| (fill in)
| change history:
| Date: Ver: Author:
| 11/13/93 1.00 ps original translation by ps
Unit subcalls;
CursorData = Record
cur_start, { Cursor start line }
cur_end, { Cursor end line }
cur_width, { Cursor width }
cur_attribute: Word { Cursor attribute }
KbdStatus = Record
length, { length in words of data structure }
bit_mask, { bit mask }
turn_around_char, { turnaround character }
interim_char_flags, { interim character flags }
shift_state: Word { shift state }
KbdTRANS = Record
char_code, { ASCII character code }
scan_code, { scan code }
status, { indicates state of char }
nls_shift: Byte; { reserved }
shift_state: Word; { state of the shift keys }
time: LongInt; { timestamp of keystroke }
kbdDDflags, { flags for monitor packet }
xlt_flags, { Xlate flags }
xlt_shift_state, { Xlate shift state }
xlt_rsrv_0: Word { reserved = 0 }
pKeyData = ^KeyData;
KeyData = Record
char_code, { ASCII character code }
scan_code, { scan code }
status, { indicates state of the character }
nls_shift: Byte; { reserved }
shift_state: Word; { state of the shift keys }
time: LongInt { time stamp of the keystroke }
ModeData = Record
length: Word; { Length of structure }
_type, { Text or graphics }
color: Byte; { Color or monochrome }
col, { Column resolution }
row, { Row resolution }
hres, { horizontal resolution }
vres: Word; { vertical resolution }
fmt_ID, { Format ID }
attrib: Byte; { Attribute count }
buf_addr, { 32-bit Buffer Physical Address }
buf_length, { Buffer Length }
full_length, { Full Buffer Length }
partial_length: LongInt; { Partial Buffer Length }
ext_data_addr: pChar { Address of Extended Data Area }
PVBData = Record
pvb_size: Word; { size of the structure }
pvb_ptr: LongInt; { returns pointer to the pvb buffer }
pvb_length, { length of PVB }
pvb_rows, { buffer dimension (rows) }
pvb_cols: Word; { buffer dimension (cols) }
pvb_type: Byte { color or mono }
PhysBufData = Record
buf_start, { Physical address of buffer }
buf_length: LongInt; { Size of buffer (in bytes) }
selectors: Array[0..1] Of Word { 1 or more selectors (assume 2) }
ConfigData = Record
length, { Length of the structure in bytes }
adapter_type, { specifies the video adapter type }
display_type: Word; { specifies the video display type }
memory_size: LongInt; { number of bytes in display memory }
Configuration, { Configuration number }
VDHVersion, { VDH version number }
Flags: Word; { Flags }
HWBufferSize, { Environment Buffer size }
FullSaveSize, { Full save size }
PartSaveSize: LongInt; { Partial save size }
EMAdaptersOFF, { Offset to emulated adapters }
EMDisplaysOFF: Word { Offset to emulated displays }
VIOFONT = Record
length, { Length of the struct (14) }
req_type, { 0=current font, 1=ROM font }
pel_cols, { character cell width }
pel_rows: Word; { character cell height }
font_data: LongInt; { far ptr to font data area }
font_len: Word { num. bytes of font data }
length, { structure length (max 38) }
req_type, { 0 = set palette regs }{ 1 = set overscan color }
double_defined, { req_type = 0 : }
{first palette reg to set }
{ req_type = 1 : }
{ border (overscan) color }
palette0, { color value }
palette1, { color value }
palette2, { color value }
palette3, { color value }
palette4, { color value }
palette5, { color value }
palette6, { color value }
palette7, { color value }
palette8, { color value }
palette9, { color value }
palette10, { color value }
palette11, { color value }
palette12, { color value }
palette13, { color value }
palette14, { color value }
palette15: Word { color value }
EventInfo = Record
Mask: Word;
Time: LongInt;
Col: Word
NoPointer = Record
Width: Word
PtrImage = Record
RowOffset: Word
PtrLoc = Record
ColPos: Word
QueInfo = Record
QSize: Word
ScaleFact = Record
ColScale: Word
KbdStringInLength = Record
LengthB: Word
KbdHWID = Record
reserved2: Word
Function KBDREGISTER (Par1, { Module name }
Par2: pChar; { Entry point name }
Par3: LongInt): Word; { Function mask }
Function KBDDEREGISTER: Word; { No Parameters }
Function KBDCHARIN (Var Par1: KeyData; { Buffer for character code }
Par2, { I/O wait - 0=wait for a }{ character, 1=no wait }
Par3: Word): Word; { keyboard handle }
Function KBDFLUSHBUFFER (Par1: Word): Word; { keyboard handle }
Function KBDGETSTATUS (Var Par1: KbdStatus; { data structure }
Par2: Word): Word; { Keyboard device handle }
Function KBDPEEK (Var Par1: KeyData; { buffer for data }
Par2: Word): Word; { keyboard handle }
Function KBDSETFGND: Word; { No Parameters }
Function KBDSETSTATUS (Var Par1: KbdStatus; { data structure }
Par2: Word): Word; { device handle }
Function KBDSTRINGIN (Par1: pChar; Var Par2: KbdStringInLength; Par3,Par4: Word): Word;
Function KBDOPEN (Var Par1: Word): Word; { addr. of returned handle }
Function KBDCLOSE (Par1: Word): Word; { keyboard handle }
Function KBDGETFOCUS (Par1, { wait/nowait indicator }
Par2: Word): Word; { keyboard handle }
Function KBDFREEFOCUS (Par1: Word): Word; { keyboard handle }
Function KBDGETCP (Par1: LongInt; { reserved }
Var Par2: Word; { addr. of returned ID }
Par3: Word): Word; { keyboard handle }
Function KBDSETCP (Par1, { reserved }
Par2, { translate table ID }
Par3: Word): Word; { keyboard handle }
Function KBDXLATE (Var Par1: KbdTRANS; { translation record }
Par2: Word): Word; { keyboard handle }
Function KBDSETCUSTXT (Var Par1: Word; { translation table }
Par2: Word): Word; { keyboard handle }
Function KBDSYNCH (Par1: Word): Word; { IOwait word 0 or 1 }
{ 0 = requestor will wait for the }
{ access to the router }
{ 1 = requestor will not wait for }
{ access to the router }
Function KBDGETHWID (Var Par1: KbdHWID; { Hardware record (returned) }
Par2: Word): Word; { keyboard handle }
Function VIOREGISTER (Par1, { Module name }
Par2: pChar; { Entry Point name }
Par3, { Function mask 1 }
Par4: LongInt): Word; { Function mask 2 }
Function VIODEREGISTER: Word; { No Parameters }
Function VIOGLOBALREG (Par1, { Module name }
Par2: pchar; { Entry Point name }
Par3, { Function mask 1 }
Par4, { Function mask 2 }
Par5: LongInt): Word; { Reserved (must be 0) }
Function VIOGETBUF (Var Par1: LongInt; { Will point to logical video buffer }
Var Par2: Word; { Length of Buffer }
Par3: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOGETCURPOS (Var Par1, { Current row position }
Par2: Word; { Current column position }
Par3: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOGETCURTYPE (Var Par1: CursorData; { Cursor characteristics }
Par2: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOGETMODE (Var Par1: ModeData; { Length of Buffer }
Par2: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOGETPHYSBUF (Var Par1: PhysBufData; { VIO Physical Buffer Info }
Par2: Word): Word; { Reserved (must be 0) }
Function VIOREADCELLSTR (Par1: pchar; { Character Buffer }
Var Par2: Word; { Length of cell string buffer }
Par3, { Starting location (row) }
Par4, { Starting location (col) }
Par5: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOREADCHARSTR (Par1: pchar; { Character Buffer }
Var Par2: Word; { Length of cell string buffer }
Par3, { Starting location (row) }
Par4, { Starting location (col) }
Par5: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOSCROLLDN (Par1, { Top row of section to scroll }
Par2, { Left column of section to scroll }
Par3, { Bottom row of section to scroll }
Par4, { Right column of section to scroll }
Par5: Word; { Number of blank lines at bottom }
Par6: pchar; { pointer to blank Char,Attr }
Par7: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOSCROLLUP (Par1, { Top row of section to scroll }
Par2, { Left column of section to scroll }
Par3, { Bottom row of section to scroll }
Par4, { Right column of section to scroll }
Par5: Word; { Number of blank lines at bottom }
Par6: pchar; { pointer to blank Char,Attr }
Par7: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOSCROLLLF (Par1, { Top row of section to scroll }
Par2, { Left column of section to scroll }
Par3, { Bottom row of section to scroll }
Par4, { Right column of section to scroll }
Par5: Word; { Number of blank columsn at right }
Par6: pchar; { pointer to blank Char,Attr }
Par7: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOSCROLLRT (Par1, { Top row of section to scroll }
Par2, { Left column of section to scroll }
Par3, { Bottom row of section to scroll }
Par4, { Right column of section to scroll }
Par5: Word; { Number of blank columsn at left }
Par6: pchar; { pointer to blank Char,Attr }
Par7: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOSETCURPOS (Par1, { Row return data }
Par2, { Column return data }
Par3: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOSETCURTYPE (Var Par1: CursorData; { Cursor characteristics }
Par2: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOSETMODE (Var Par1: ModeData; { Mode characteristics }
Par2: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOSHOWBUF (Par1, { Offset into buffer }
Par2, { Length of area to be updated }
Par3: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOWRTCELLSTR (Par1: pchar; { String to be written }
Par2, { Length of string }
Par3, { Starting position for output (row) }
Par4, { Starting position for output (col) }
Par5: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOWRTCHARSTR (Par1: pchar; { String to be written }
Par2, { Length of string }
Par3, { Starting position for output (row) }
Par4, { Starting position for output (col) }
Par5: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOWRTCHARSTRATT (Par1: pchar; { String to be written }
Par2, { Length of string }
Par3, { Starting position for output (row) }
Par4: Word; { Starting position for output (col) }
Par5: pchar; { Attribute to be replicated }
Par6: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOWRTNATTR (Par1: pchar; { Attribute to be written }
Par2, { Length of write }
Par3, { Starting position for output (row) }
Par4, { Starting position for output (col) }
Par5: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOWRTNCELL (Par1: pchar; { Cell to be written }
Par2, { Length of write }
Par3, { Starting position for output (row) }
Par4, { Starting position for output (col) }
Par5: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOWRTNCHAR (Par1: pchar; { Character to be written }
Par2, { Length of write }
Par3, { Starting position for output (row) }
Par4, { Starting position for output (col) }
Par5: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOWRTTTY (Par1: pchar; { String to be written }
Par2, { Length of string }
Par3: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOSETANSI (Par1, { ON (=1) or OFF (=0) indicator }
Par2: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOGETANSI (Var Par1: Word; { ANSI state (returned) }
Par2: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOPRTSC (Par1: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOPRTSCTOGGLE (Par1: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOSAVREDRAWWAIT (Par1: Word; { Save/Redraw Indicator }
Var Par2: Word; { Notify type (returned) }
Par3: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOSAVREDRAWUNDO (Par1, { Ownership Indicator }
Par2, { Terminate Indicator }
Par3: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOMODEWAIT (Par1: Word; { Request type }
Var Par2: Word; { Notify type (returned) }
Par3: Word): Word; { Reserved (must be 0) }
Function VIOMODEUNDO (Par1, { Ownership indicator }
Par2, { Terminate indicator }
Par3: Word): Word; { Reserved (must be 0) }
Function VIOSCRLOCK (Par1: Word; { Wait Flag }
Var Par2: Word; { Status of lock (returned) }
Par3: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOSCRUNLOCK (Par1: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOPOPUP (Var Par1: Word; { Wait/Nowait Bit flags }
Par2: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOENDPOPUP (Par1: Word): Word; { Vio Handle }
Function VIOGETCONFIG (Par1: Word; { Reserved - must be 0 }
Var Par2: ConfigData; { Pointer to data buffer }
Par3: Word): Word; { VIO handle }
Function VIOGETFONT (Var Par1: VIOFONT; { request block }
Par2: Word): Word; { VIO handle }
Function VIOGETCP (Par1: Word; { Reserved - must be 0 }
Var Par2: Word; { Ptr to returnd codepageID }
Par3: Word): Word; { VIO handle }
Function VIOSETCP (Par1, { Reserved - must be 0 }
Par2, { codepage ID }
Par3: Word): Word; { VIO handle }
Function VIOSETFONT (Var Par1: VIOFONT; { request block }
Par2: Word): Word; { VIO handle }
Function VIOGETSTATE (Var Par1: VIOSTATE; { request block }
Par2: Word): Word; { VIO handle }
Function VIOSETSTATE (Var Par1: VIOSTATE; { request block }
Par2: Word): Word; { VIO handle }
Function MOUREGISTER (Par1, { Module name }
Par2: pchar; { Entry Point name }
Par3: LongInt): Word; { Function mask }
Function MOUDEREGISTER: Word; { No Parameters }
Function MOUFLUSHQUE (Par1: Word): Word; { Mouse device handle }
Function MOUGETHOTKEY (Var Par1: Word; { mask of which key is the hot key }
Par2: Word): Word; { Mouse device handle }
Function MOUSETHOTKEY (Var Par1: Word; { Mouse Button Mask }
Par2: Word): Word; { Mouse Device Handle }
Function MOUGETPTRPOS (Var Par1: PtrLoc; { Pointer Location Record (returned) }
Par2: Word): Word; { Mouse device handle }
Function MOUSETPTRPOS (Var Par1: PtrLoc; { Pointer Location Record }
Par2: Word): Word; { Mouse device handle }
Function MOUGETPTRSHAPE (Par1: pchar; { Pointer Shape Buffer (returned) }
Var Par2: PtrImage; { Pointer Definition Record }
Par3: Word): Word; { Mouse device handle }
Function MOUSETPTRSHAPE (Par1: pchar; { Pointer Shape Buffer }
Var Par2: PtrImage; { Pointer Definition Record }
Par3: Word): Word; { Mouse device handle }
Function MOUGETDEVSTATUS (Var Par1: Word; { Current status flags (returned) }
Par2: Word): Word; { Mouse Device Handle }
Function MOUGETNUMBUTTONS (Var Par1: Word; { Number of mouse buttons (returned) }
Par2: Word): Word; { Mouse Device Handle }
Function MOUGETNUMMICKEYS (Var Par1: Word; { Number of Mickeys/cm (returned) }
Par2: Word): Word; { Mouse Device Handle }
Function MOUREADEVENTQUE (Var Par1: EventInfo; { Event Queue Entry (returned) }
Var Par2: Word; { Type of read operation }
Par3: Word): Word; { Mouse Device Handle }
Function MOUGETNUMQUEEL (Var Par1: QueInfo; { Queue Information (returned) }
Par2: Word): Word; { Mouse Device Handle }
Function MOUGETEVENTMASK (Var Par1: Word; { Event Mask (returned) }
Par2: Word): Word; { Mouse Device Handle }
Function MOUSETEVENTMASK (Var Par1: Word; { Event Mask }
Par2: Word): Word; { Mouse Device Handle }
Function MOUGETSCALEFACT (Var Par1: ScaleFact; { Scaling Factors (returned) }
Par2: Word): Word; { Mouse Device Handle }
Function MOUSETSCALEFACT (Var Par1: ScaleFact; { Scaling Factors }
Par2: Word): Word; { Mouse Device Handle }
Function MOUOPEN (Par1: pchar; { Pointer draw device name }
Var Par2: Word): Word; { Mouse Device Handle (returned) }
Function MOUCLOSE (Par1: Word): Word; { Mouse Device Handle }
Function MOUREMOVEPTR (Var Par1: NoPointer; { Pointer Area }
Par2: Word): Word; { Mouse Device Handle }
Function MOUDRAWPTR (Par1: Word): Word; { Mouse Device Handle }
Function MOUSETDEVSTATUS (Var Par1: Word; { status flags }
Par2: Word): Word; { Mouse Device Handle }
Function MOUINITREAL (Par1: pChar): Word; { Pointer draw driver name }
Function MOUSYNCH (Par1: Word): Word; { I/O Wait - indicate wait/nowait }
Function KBDCHARIN; External 'KBDCALLS' Index 4;
Function KBDCLOSE; External 'KBDCALLS' Index 17;
Function KBDDEREGISTER; External 'KBDCALLS' Index 20;
Function KBDFLUSHBUFFER; External 'KBDCALLS' Index 13;
Function KBDFREEFOCUS; External 'KBDCALLS' Index 18;
Function KBDGETCP; External 'KBDCALLS' Index 3;
Function KBDGETFOCUS; External 'KBDCALLS' Index 12;
Function KBDGETHWID; External 'KBDCALLS' Index 24;
Function KBDGETSTATUS; External 'KBDCALLS' Index 10;
Function KBDOPEN; External 'KBDCALLS' Index 23;
Function KBDPEEK; External 'KBDCALLS' Index 22;
Function KBDREGISTER; External 'KBDCALLS' Index 8;
Function KBDSETCP; External 'KBDCALLS' Index 5;
Function KBDSETCUSTXT; External 'KBDCALLS' Index 1;
Function KBDSETFGND; External 'KBDCALLS' Index 21;
Function KBDSETSTATUS; External 'KBDCALLS' Index 11;
Function KBDSTRINGIN; External 'KBDCALLS' Index 9;
Function KBDSYNCH; External 'KBDCALLS' Index 7;
Function KBDXLATE; External 'KBDCALLS' Index 14;
Function MOUCLOSE; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 9;
Function MOUDEREGISTER; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 14;
Function MOUDRAWPTR; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 26;
Function MOUFLUSHQUE; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 7;
Function MOUGETDEVSTATUS; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 22;
Function MOUGETEVENTMASK; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 15;
Function MOUGETHOTKEY; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 4;
Function MOUGETNUMBUTTONS; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 8;
Function MOUGETNUMMICKEYS; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 3;
Function MOUGETNUMQUEEL; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 13;
Function MOUGETPTRPOS; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 19;
Function MOUGETPTRSHAPE; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 1;
Function MOUGETSCALEFACT; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 6;
Function MOUINITREAL; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 27;
Function MOUOPEN; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 17;
Function MOUREADEVENTQUE; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 20;
Function MOUREGISTER; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 24;
Function MOUREMOVEPTR; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 18;
Function MOUSETDEVSTATUS; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 25;
Function MOUSETEVENTMASK; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 16;
Function MOUSETHOTKEY; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 10;
Function MOUSETPTRPOS; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 21;
Function MOUSETPTRSHAPE; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 2;
Function MOUSETSCALEFACT; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 11;
Function MOUSYNCH; External 'MOUCALLS' Index 23;
Function VIODEREGISTER; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 6;
Function VIOENDPOPUP; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 1;
Function VIOGETANSI; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 3;
Function VIOGETBUF; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 31;
Function VIOGETCONFIG; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 46;
Function VIOGETCP; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 40;
Function VIOGETCURPOS; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 9;
Function VIOGETCURTYPE; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 27;
Function VIOGETFONT; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 29;
Function VIOGETMODE; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 21;
Function VIOGETPHYSBUF; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 2;
Function VIOGETSTATE; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 49;
Function VIOGLOBALREG; Begin Unknown('VIOGLOBALREG','SubCalls') End;
Function VIOMODEUNDO; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 35;
Function VIOMODEWAIT; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 37;
Function VIOPOPUP; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 11;
Function VIOPRTSC; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 8;
Function VIOPRTSCTOGGLE; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 50;
Function VIOREADCELLSTR; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 24;
Function VIOREADCHARSTR; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 30;
Function VIOREGISTER; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 45;
Function VIOSAVREDRAWUNDO; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 28;
Function VIOSAVREDRAWWAIT; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 25;
Function VIOSCRLOCK; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 23;
Function VIOSCROLLDN; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 47;
Function VIOSCROLLLF; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 44;
Function VIOSCROLLRT; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 12;
Function VIOSCROLLUP; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 7;
Function VIOSCRUNLOCK; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 18;
Function VIOSETANSI; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 5;
Function VIOSETCP; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 42;
Function VIOSETCURPOS; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 15;
Function VIOSETCURTYPE; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 32;
Function VIOSETFONT; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 33;
Function VIOSETMODE; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 22;
Function VIOSETSTATE; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 51;
Function VIOSHOWBUF; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 43;
Function VIOWRTCELLSTR; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 10;
Function VIOWRTCHARSTR; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 13;
Function VIOWRTCHARSTRATT; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 48;
Function VIOWRTNATTR; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 26;
Function VIOWRTNCELL; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 52;
Function VIOWRTNCHAR; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 53;
Function VIOWRTTTY; External 'VIOCALLS' Index 19;